Why You Should Zero In On The Basics And Ignore The Advanced
Do you ever feel like you’re drawn towards complexity like a moth to a flame?

Most people are obsessed with complexity and they feed their addictions with advanced strategies and tactics but they completely miss the point.

Obsessing over the complex is like having the best silverware for a dinner party and overcooking the chicken, nobody cares about the silverware because the main thing was the food…
This happens everyday in real estate investing. I see people arguing over which software to use and which color handwritten font to have on a direct mail piece but forgetting that the main thing is the offer.

Most of the results you will get in anything in life are derived from the basics NOT the advanced.
Advanced strategies and tactics only offers incremental improvement compared to the basics. If you were to look at cause and effect the basics account for 80 to 90 percent of the results you get. And the advanced strategies only account for 10 to 20 percent of the effect that you would get from having implemented them. So not only are they more advanced and harder for you to learn, master, and implement. The results you do get from the advanced are only incremental.
In business there is nothing more important than making sure you’re covering the basics and executing on the basics everyday.

Many real estate investors are obsessed with the latest software to use. People even partake on lengthy discussions on which color font to use on a direct mail piece.

But real estate investors are completely missing it. No one asks questions like,

               What market are we targeting? 
               What segment of the market?
               What are we actually offering to that market?
               What about the price?

The answers to these questions will move the needle forward for you.

Housebuyer Consulting

Housebuyer Consulting helps people start and grow successful real estate businesses.  HBC is a leading firm at helping people get deals using online methods and making things super simple to understand.
If you're interested in starting your own real estate business or scaling up and getting deals then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.
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